Phonar session seven

Guest feature: Marcus Bleasdale
Seminar: Discussion and reviews of work so far.
Workshop : Marcus’s task
One on one tutorials
Technical Workshop: Foley Sound and Radio Studio

Task: ‘A Post-Photographic Portrait’ or #ForTheRemix
Preparation for next session: TBA


Marcus Bleasdale in conversation for #phonar

a selection of my tweets:

aggregated lecture notes from:

Jonathan Worth

Kate Green

Chris Trafford

Caroline Walker

Alex Edwards

Melissa Stapleton

Phonar Pre-task

#Phonar Pre-task:

Tell the story of your journey to school. Bring it to the first session to share.
– If you don’t go to school, tell your journey to work, or to anywhere for that matter.
– You can upload your images to your blog if you have one, or you can upload to flickr and share them with us in the #phonar group and by tagging ‘phonar’

I decided to use show you how I ride. Literally! In order to make it more interesting I used Vine to make 6 second clips of parts of my journey from home to Ellen Terry building, where the Photo area is. The clips were shot on the first day of Phonar (02/10/2013). Look closely on the last one and you will spot Ioana and Alex.

1. Coundon Rd. – Upper Hill St.

2. Hill St. Bridge – in

3. Hill St. Bridge – out

4. Hill St. – Corporation St.

5. Corporation St. – Hales St.

6. Fairfax St. – Cox St.

7. Ellen Terry!

#Picbod 2 | The Tribe

To photograph from the inside. Photograph as Nan Goldin says ‘Your Tribe’. Study someone you are close to and make images with them of an intimate nature.

Bear in mind your own vulnerabilities from the first task when you begin this new photographic relationship and ensure you are completely competent technically so you can focus on the making of images without being distracted by other details.

The first people that come to mind when I hear the word tribe are my family. At the moment they live 1,568 miles away, in Athens. This fact didn’t stop me from photographing them. Digital technology once again has bridged the gap between us.

Electric signals running through copper wires, optical fibres and electromagnetic waves are my bridge with home, my tribe. It sounds dramatic, but it’s the reality behind any remote communication we have. The truth; we don’t always think of this when we hit send or call or tweet or… I communicated with them through Skype and took a screen shot of the video feed coming from their laptop camera. One could argue if there is any intimacy in a virtual conversation.

Initially I had though about this in more detail. I wanted to stage the shooting as I could have done if I was physically in Athens. The following is an insight on intimacy and human emotions, only the interaction is not physical. Since I don’t often take photographs of people, I felt as strange as I would if I was there. This is the reason I didn’t really say much or tried to direct them. All I said was “I am taking a photograph, so get in the frame”.

Unconsciously, we all smiled. Then everyone started saying random things, as we haven’t spoke for some days now. My father was trying to start a conversation, my brother was trying to rid off my father from the room. Classic… Although the distance between us, I felt much more intimate with them than I do when I am present. I guess you understand the value of people more when they are not next to you.

screenshot from skype conversation, two people, picbod

#Picbod Google+ Community